

對手:Athletics 的 Blanton (去年成績14勝10敗,ERA3.95)




全場送出9張「老K」下,助紅襪最終2:1 獲勝,總算勝投到手。


但松坂大輔沒有再給運動家隊任何得分機會,而隊友在第5、第6 兩局各為他攻下一分,讓松投完6.2局領先退場。













Aces up                             
Matsuzaka trumps Oakland

 註: Aces, trumps 都是借用撲克牌的比喻

By Gordon Edes
Globe Staff / April 2, 2008

OAKLAND, Calif. - The homecoming dance was a disappointment.

"It's something I can only say in hindsight," Daisuke Matsuzaka said last night, "but it would have been nice to pitch better in the Tokyo Dome than I did."

[奧克蘭,Calif 訊]  松的返鄉之旅最後失望做結。「我只能在事後這麼說,」松大輔昨晚表示,「如果我在東京巨蛋投好一點那有多好。」

But that was a one-shot deal, pitching for the Red Sox in his native land. In last night's 2-1 Sox win over the Oakland Athletics, two teams who opened the 2008 season in Japan, Matsuzaka returned to his adopted country and served notice that he may be settling in quite nicely in the place where he'll be making another 30 or so starts this season.

但在家鄉為紅襪投球畢竟只是一場比賽。昨晚,曾在日本打 2008 開幕占的兩支球隊再次碰頭。在這場紅襪以 2-1 擊敗奧克蘭運動家的比賽中,松回到了他移居的國度,宣告他在這個他本季還得先發三十多場的地方適應得很不錯。

 "I guess you could say I'm getting more and more used to it, but  it's not something I really think about," he said. "A lot of it  has to do with how everyone perceives me. That may be one of the results."


Matsuzaka gave up an opposite-field home run in the second inning  to Jack Cust, the ultimate all-or-nothing Oakland slugger, and just one other hit in 6 2/3 masterful innings in which he struck out nine and did not walk a batter. With Hideki Okajima and Jonathan Papelbon making a one-run lead stand up and batterymate
Jason Varitek knocking in the go-ahead run with a double that might have been a home run, Matsuzaka had his first win of the season.

松第二局被 Jack Cust, 奧克蘭不轟則已、一轟驚人的長程砲手打出反方向的全壘打。除此之外,在他充分發揮壓制力的 6 2/3 局投球中他只被打出另外一支安打,三振九名打者,而且沒有保送一個人。靠著岡島秀樹和 Jonathan Papelbon 維持一分領先,以及 Jason Varitek擊出超前打點、本來可能是全壘打的二壘安打,松得到了本季首勝。

He also had sufficient motivation to ask a clubhouse attendant to  retrieve the game ball, which someone (the evidence points to   Papelbon) had tossed into the stands.

他也有很充分的理由請球隊職員要回比賽結束的那顆球。某人把那顆球丟給觀眾了。(一切證據再次指向 Papelbon!)

Matsuzaka wanted the ball as a souvenir for his newborn son, whose  name he has not yet made public.

  "I had asked my teammates to hang onto the game ball, but I guess the message didn't get through," he said.


Given his emotional state after striking out the side in the ninth  inning of a four-out save, Papelbon probably had no idea what  he'd done with the ball. It would have surprised no one if he said  his dog ate it, like last October's World Series ball.

考量 Papelbon 在九局三振掉他解決的第四名打者拿下救援點時的激動心情,他蠻有可能根本不記得他把球怎麼了。如果他再說球被狗吃了大概也沒人會驚訝。去年十月的世界大賽決勝球就是這麼給他餵狗餵掉的....

There was no question which side of the Big Pond Papelbon prefers.  "From my last outing to today's outing, it was a totally different  pitcher, a totally different feel, a totally different person,"  said Papelbon, who entered with a runner on first and two outs in  the eighth and retired pinch hitter Mike Sweeney on a force play, then struck out Travis Buck, Mark Ellis, and Daric Barton in succession.

Papelbon 毫無疑問地比較喜歡太平洋的這一邊。「我上次出場跟這次根本是不同的兩個投手,感覺完全不同,是完全不同的人,」Papelbon 說。他在八局下一壘有人兩出局時上場,解決了代打的 Mike Sweeney, 後來連續三振了 Travis Buck, Mark Ellis,和 Daric Barton.

"I don't think that my outing in Japan really signified the vintage Papelbon," he said. "I feel like tonight I signified  that."


Matsuzaka, who had a no-decision in Boston's 6-5, 10-inning win in  his first start, set the tone last night by striking out the first two batters he faced, Buck and Ellis, and allowed only four  balls out of the infield. The last time he pitched without issuing a walk was last May 30.

本季第一次先發只得到無關勝敗(紅襪纏鬥十局,以6-5獲勝)的松昨晚三振了他面對的頭兩位打者 Buck 和 Ellis,立刻為這場比賽定了調。他只讓球跑出內野四次。上次他投一場沒有保送的比賽是去年五月三十日。

The Sox did not exactly mash against Oakland starter Joe Blanton  and two relievers - jet-lagged DH David Ortiz remains hitless (0  for 11) in three games - but Kevin Youkilis had three hits and scored both runs, rookie Jacoby Ellsbury drove home one with a fifth-inning single, and Varitek doubled home the deciding run an
inning later.

紅襪面對奧克蘭先發投手 Joe Blanton 和兩名後援並沒有討到便宜。好像還在調時差的指定打擊 David Ortiz 最近三場比賽還是沒有安打(十一打數無安打!)。不過 Kevin Youkilis 打出三支安打並且跑回這場比賽的兩分,新人 Jacoby Ellsbury 第五局揮出有打點的一壘安打,而 Varitek 則在下一局用一支二壘安打把勝利打點送回家。

It's two openers and counting for Matsuzaka, who got a no-decision in the Japan game and a win in Oakland's home opener. Strangely enough, one more opening act awaits him. With ace Josh Beckett  primed to come off the disabled list and start Sunday in Toronto,  Matsuzaka is in line to pitch the Red Sox home opener Tuesday afternoon in Boston. Based on last night's performance, he should  be on the receiving end of a rousing reception in the Fens.

松已經投了兩場開幕戰,一場在日本無關勝敗,一場在奧克蘭得到勝利。很巧的是還有一場開幕戰在等他!由於王牌 Josh Backette將挪出傷兵名單並於週日在多倫多先發,松照輪值會在週二下午波士頓的開幕戰投球。有了昨晚的表現,芬威球場的球迷們應該會很熱情地迎接他。

The Athletics took a 1-0 lead in the second when Cust hit  Matsuzaka's first pitch of the inning into the left-field seats. The Sox tied the score in the fifth against Oakland ace Blanton. Youkilis blooped a single to right, and Julio Lugo hit a comebacker that caromed off Blanton's heel and rolled away for an infield hit. Ellsbury, playing right field in J.D. Drew's absence and batting leadoff for the first time this season, lined a single to right.

Cust 在二局將松投出的第一球打上左外野觀眾席之後,運動家取得 1-0 領先。紅襪在第五局面對奧克蘭王牌 Blanton 時把分數追平。Youkilis 往右外野打出一壘安打,Julio Lugo 接著把球打到 Blanton的腳踝旁,滾成了一支內野安打。本季首次代替 J.D. Drew 鎮守右外野的Ellsbury 擊出右邊的一壘安打。

Buck, the right fielder, played the ball on one hop and uncorked a strong throw to the plate, but Youkilis somehow managed to elude  the tag of catcher Kurt Suzuki to score the tying run.

右外野手 Buck 立刻將球迅速傳回本壘,不過 Youkilis 不知怎麼地躲過了捕手 Kurt Suzuki 的觸殺,拿到了追平分。

The Sox took a 2-1 lead in the sixth when Youkilis tripled off the  top of the left-field fence and scored ahead of a double by Varitek, who was shocked that he was required to stop at second,  since his drive appeared to hit above the yellow line on the right-field wall that signaled a home run. Sox manager Terry  Francona pleaded Varitek's case to plate umpire Wally Bell, and though the umpires huddled to discuss the matter, the hit stood as called, and Varitek was stranded when Coco Crisp tapped out to Blanton.

第六局,Youkilis 將球揮擊到左外野牆上,形成一支三壘安打,接著趁 Varitek 揮出二壘安打時跑回來得分,紅襪 2-1 領先。Varitek很驚訝他被裁判在二壘擋下來,因為他擊出的球似乎已經打到右外野全壘打牆的黃線以上,照規定是全壘打。紅襪教頭 Terry Francona和主審 Wally Bell 抗議。雖然裁判們開會討論,最後仍判定是二壘安打。

Matsuzaka had rung up 60 pitches in his first two innings in the Tokyo Dome and appeared unnerved by the occasion.


But last night, Matsuzaka was at his unflappable best, retiring the last 13 batters he faced after Suzuki's leadoff single in the third. Francona lifted him for Okajima with two outs and nobody on in the seventh, Matsuzaka having thrown 96 pitches, one more than he'd thrown in five innings in the Tokyo Dome.

不過昨晚,松無疑地處於最佳狀況。第三局被 Suzuki 打出一壘安打之後,他接連解決了接下的 13 名打者,直到第七局 Francona 在兩人出局無人在壘的情況下換上岡島。此時松已經投了 96 球,比他在東京巨蛋投五局那次只多了一顆。

Okajima, facing Cust, issued the first walk of the night for Boston, but retired Emil Brown on a pop to second to end the inning.

岡島面對 Cust 投出了紅襪今天奉送的第一個保送,不過接著讓 EmilBrown 揮出二壘方向滾地球結束了本局。

Okajima gave up a single to Bobby Crosby to open the eighth. Jack Hannahan tried bunting the runner over, but Mike Lowell pounced on  the ball and erased Crosby at second. Suzuki flied to left for  the second out.

第八局開始,岡島讓 Bobby Crosby 揮出了一支一壘安打。JackHannahan 試著出其不意地偷點,不過 Mike Lowell 搶到了這球,把 Crosby 解決在二壘。Suzuki 接著擊出左外野飛球,兩出局。

 'I kind of gambled," Lowell said. "I figured lefty on lefty, if you're going to slash there, the percentages are in my favor. I just wanted to make sure if he bunted it up the middle or toward third I'd get to it early. Sometimes you cheat a little bit and see what happens. It paid off right there."

「我賭了一把,」Lowell 說。「我想,這是左打對左投,如果打者猛揮,結果對我有利(註:因為球不會到三壘?)。我只要確定如果打者往三壘或中間方向短打,我可以早點抓到球。有時候你可以這樣偷吃步一點,看情況如何。這次我猜對了。」

When Oakland manager Bob Geren went to Sweeney to pinch hit, Francona summoned Papelbon, who induced Sweeney to ground to shortstop Julio Lugo for an inning-ending force.

奧克蘭教頭 Bob Geren 派出 Sweeney 代打時,Francona 也換上了Papelbon。他讓 Sweeney 揮出 Julio Lugo 面前的滾地球,本局以封殺結束。


松坂第1次先發 5局失2分 


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