
標題: [翻譯] Bos. Globe: 松投出強投身價


A strong Matsuzaka is right on the money
By Daniel Malloy, Globe Correspondent | September 29, 2007

The Great $103 Million Experiment seemed to be hitting a snag. In
seven starts before last night, Daisuke Matsuzaka was 1-4 with an
8.15 ERA.

要價 103 million 美元的大實驗一度似乎要擱淺了。在昨晚之前的七次先發,
松大輔只拿下一勝四敗,ERA 8.15.

Fatigue appeared to be setting in, with the longer season and
shorter rest in the United States used as potential reasons for
the Japanese righthander's slide.


But in his last start before his first major league postseason,
Matsuzaka gave a command performance. Allowing just two runs on
six hits, he went eight strong innings - and 119 pitches - still
throwing 95 miles per hour in the eighth as the Red Sox beat the
Twins, 5-2, at Fenway Park on the way to securing the American
League East title.

表現。他投了八局好球,只讓對手以六支安打得到兩分,並投了 119 球,
在第八局仍投得出 95 miles 的速球。紅襪在芬威球場以 5 比 2 擊敗雙城

Matsuzaka had said during his rough patch that he was not tired.
Last night he showed it.

"When I was pitching in Japan, that was a typical situation that I
would face going deep into the game, so in that sense, it has
always been what is expected of me," Matsuzaka said through his



"But now that I stand here at the end of the season, this is the
type of game that I wanted to have, and in that sense, I am very


His team was happy, too, with Matsuzaka (15-12) looking like a
strong No. 2 starter for the postseason, and his outing helping to
lock up the Sox' first division title since 1995.

而且他的出賽幫紅襪鎖住了自從 1995 年後的第一個分區冠軍。

Manager Terry Francona, who never doubted Matsuzaka would go out
for the eighth after throwing 105 pitches, acknowledged that such
a performance was critical.

毫不懷疑松會在投了 105 球之後繼續投第八局的 Terry Francona 也承認

"I can spin it any way you want, and I will," Francona said. "But
that was great to see."

「我可以用各種方式解釋,」Francona 說,「不過總之[看到這種表現]是

Matsuzaka had his trademark movement on every pitch, confounding
the Minnesota batters to register eight strikeouts. With the
exception of a seventh-inning home run to dead center by Justin
Morneau that Jacoby Ellsbury could only watch sail into the
stands, Matsuzaka allowed few hard-hit balls.

得到八個三振。除了第七局被 Justin Morneau 打到中間,Jacoby Ellsbury

"[He had] a lot of definition on his pitches; I liked the shape of
his pitches," Francona said. "Fastball had a good angle with some
life and offspeed pitches some differential . . . giving the
hitters a lot of different looks."

「他投了很多種球(?);我喜歡他投球的軌跡,」Francona 說。「速球
角度不錯,很會跑,變化球也很會轉... 打者很不容易抓到。」

Twins manager Ron Gardenhire, whose team was facing Matsuzaka for
the first time, was impressed with the pitcher's stamina.

"In the eighth inning, he really got after it pretty good,"
Gardenhire said.

第一次面對松,雙城教頭 Ron Gardnhire 對松的韌性印象深刻。

「第八局他真的處理得不錯(?),」Gardenhire 說。

"I think that's when you see a pitcher step up. He's throwing the
ball a lot harder in the eighth inning than he was earlier in the
game, and he really reared back and let it go. I think he gave
them what he wanted."

「我想所謂的『燃燒小宇宙 XD』就是這樣吧。他在第八局投的比前面幾局

The end of the regular season offered a chance to reflect on the
ups and downs of Matsuzaka's rookie year. From his outstanding
start to his trials late in the season, the pitcher impressed the
manager with his poise.


"What happened during the course of the year is probably what
could have been expected," Francona said.

"Some peaks and valleys. So much newness, so much difference just
in the culture and all the things we've talked about since Day 1.
But he's handled himself very professionally. He's worked very
hard. I think what's most reassuring is his competitiveness and
his heart. He's not going to back down. Not to anybody."

「這一年來的種種可能也是我們可預料得到的,」Francona 說。


Matsuzaka didn't want to reflect, at least not while there was
still baseball to be played. But he expressed pride in topping 200
innings and 200 strikeouts - reaching both milestones last night.
He became the first rookie to accomplish that feat since Mark
Langston and Dwight Gooden in 1984.

200 局、200 K 的成績表示驕傲。他是自從 1984 年的 Mark Langston
和 Dwight Gooden 之後第一個達到此項成績的新人。

"Before the season started, I felt that as long as I kept my place
in the rotation and I fulfilled my role as a starter that the 200
innings would be something that I would achieve, so in that
sense, I'm a little bit relieved today," Matsuzaka said.

"As for the 200 strikeouts, I feel that's more like a bonus."

工作,200 局是自然會拿到的。所以從這方面說,我今天覺得比較寬

「至於 200 K, 我覺得那比較像是額外獎勵。」

About an hour after giving his postgame remarks, Matsuzaka was in
the jubilant clubhouse, already soaked with champagne, talking
with Japanese reporters when Alex Cora and Dustin Pedroia mounted
a sneak attack. The two infielders approached from behind, and
each dumped a bottle of Korbel on Matsuzaka's head.

在發表賽後感想之後大約一小時,松在喜氣洋洋的 clubhouse 中,身上
灑滿了香檳,和日本記者們講話。Alex Cora 和 Dustin Pedroia 發動突襲,
兩個人從後面接近,各往松頭上倒了一瓶 Korbel.

The pitcher laughed, embraced both players, then put his sopping
"AL East Champions" hat back on, wearing a wide grin. It was an
introduction to yet another distinct custom of American baseball.


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